🚨 Need to unstake your POWR and withdraw rewards?
You can directly unstake your POWR and withdraw rewards from the Ethereum staking smart contract using MetaMask in just 4 simple steps.
- Go to the staking contract on etherscan: https://etherscan.io/address/0xba33aa06901b7662e17869f588b77c04fb0cd872
- Go to the Contract tab > Write Contract
- Click ‘Connect to web3’ and connect the Ethereum wallet that was used for staking (Metamask). Make sure it’s the one you used for staking.
- Click Withdraw & confirm on MetaMask (and hardware wallet if needed). Once the transaction is processed, your original stake and rewards will appear in your wallet.
Here’s a direct link to the ‘Withdraw’ function:
Unstake your $POWR and claim your rewards effortlessly. 🚀
Reference: Original post on X